TPM 5 (online)

TPM 5 (online) - 14 March 2023 – moderated by YTU

Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) 5 of the RECOM Project was held on March 14, 2023, using the Zoom online meeting platform. The primary objective of this meeting was to provide feedback on Output 1, Output 2, and Output 3 of the project. The session started with an opening, including a review of the current timeline and a discussion on the current status of the project. The participants revisited the project aims and focused on the intellectual outputs, which included the Guidebook: Online/Hybrid Teaching Practices for Engineering Subjects (O1), Best Practices in Restructuring Computer Programming Course Plans (O2), Web and Mobile Guided Virtual Programming Laboratory (VPL) (O3), and Instructional Materials for Online/Hybrid Programming Courses (O4).

During the meeting, there was a dedicated session for translations of the project outputs into local languages. This included the translation of the Guidebook (O1), Moodle interface (O3), and the outputs of O2 and O4. The importance of having materials available in different languages aims to enhance accessibility and usability for a wider audience.

Another significant topic discussed during the meeting was the proofreading responses for the Guidebook. This step ensures that the guidebook meets the desired standards and quality, guaranteeing its effectiveness as a teaching resource.

Additionally, plans for the Multiplier Events (MEs) were addressed during the meeting. The participants decided on the dates for these events and discussed preparations, including agenda and evaluations, registering for Moodle tutorials, and the participants' registration process. Multiplier Events are crucial for disseminating the project's results and reaching out to a broader community of educators and stakeholders.

The meeting concluded with discussions on the revisions of Output 4 (Instructional Materials for Online/Hybrid Programming Courses), ensuring that the materials are continuously improved and updated for optimal learning outcomes.

Transnational Project Meeting 5 played a vital role in assessing the progress of the project and preparing for the next stages of dissemination and implementation. The focus on translations, proofreading, and Multiplier Events highlights the project's commitment to reaching diverse audiences and maximizing its impact on online education for programming languages courses.