LTT –Teachers Activity

The RECOM Staff Training Activity took place at Tallinn University, School of Digital Technologies in Tallinn, Estonia, from January 30th to February 2nd, 2023, with sessions held in Room A-046, Astra Building. The purpose of the training was to equip teachers with innovative approaches to introductory computer programming using online modules. The event was attended by 30 participants, split into 5 multicultural teams for various micro-teaching activities.


Day 1 began with registration and welcoming words from Tallinn University and the TLU Project Supervisor. Yildiz Technical University provided an introduction to the RECOM project and its updates. The day included an Ice-Breaking Event, followed by an evaluation of Output 1 through Google Forms. The day concluded with a presentation on Output 2 and the RECOM Fair event, where participants shared cultural insights.


Day 2 featured presentations on Output 3 and Output 4's Video Tutorials. Micro-teaching workshops on Output 4 commenced, with two teams performing their microteaching plans. The day concluded with an evaluation through Google Forms.



Day 3 started with presentations on Output 4's Mobile Games and Case Studies. The micro-teaching workshops continued, with two teams performing their microteaching plans for each output. Evaluations were conducted through Google Forms for both Mobile Games and Case Studies. The day concluded with dinner, self-funded by participants.




Day 4 featured a presentation on Output 4's E-Quizzes, followed by micro-teaching workshops where teams worked on their plans for E-Quizzes. Two teams performed their microteaching plans, and the E-Quizzes were evaluated through Google Forms. The event concluded with an LTT evaluation, final remarks, and closing.





Throughout the training, teachers engaged in hands-on micro-teaching workshops, fostering a student-centred and interactive learning approach. The outputs presented included a guidebook on online/hybrid teaching practices for engineering subjects, best practices for restructuring computer programming course plans, a web and mobile-guided virtual programming laboratory, and instructional materials for online/hybrid programming courses. The event aimed to equip educators with the necessary tools and techniques to improve the quality and engagement of computer programming education, in line with the objectives of the RECOM project.