IO3: LMS Platform

IO3: Web and Mobile Guided Virtual Programming Laboratory (VPL)

The third intellectual output (IO3) of the RECOM project aims to address the needs of educators and students in the context of online and hybrid programming courses. It focuses on the development of a Web and Mobile Guided Virtual Programming Laboratory (VPL) that will be integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS). The VPL is designed to provide a user-friendly and accessible platform for students and educators, facilitating interactive online learning and improving students' engagement and learning outcomes.

The proposed VPL offers several innovative features and is expected to have a positive impact on online programming education:

User-Friendly and Accessible: The VPL is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to students with various devices and internet connectivity, ensuring that a wider range of learners can participate effectively.

Progress Monitoring: The VPL allows educators to monitor students' progress and performance in real-time, enabling personalized support and interventions as needed.

Reduced Stress: By offering a less stressful learning environment, especially for students facing internet connectivity challenges, the VPL supports a more inclusive and equitable learning experience.

Flexible Learning: The VPL facilitates both synchronous and asynchronous learning, giving students the flexibility to access educational materials and engage in learning activities anytime and anywhere.

Gamified Integration: Integrating gamified instructional materials with the VPL enhances students' commitment and motivation, leading to improved learning outcomes.

Visual Contexts and Interactive Plugins: The VPL incorporates animated visual contexts and interactive plugins, making abstract and theoretical programming concepts more engaging and comprehensible for learners.

Mobile Access: The integration of mobile access with the VPL enables students to participate in gamified case-studies, e-quizzes, and tutorials using their mobile devices, further promoting flexibility and accessibility.

The proposed VPL, along with its integration with mobile access and gamified instructional materials, is designed to be transferable to other engineering courses and beyond. Its application in combination with Learning Management Systems (LMS) allows for adaptability to various online courses and educational levels, making it a versatile model for modern educational processes.

In conclusion, IO3 presents a Web and Mobile Guided Virtual Programming Laboratory that seeks to enhance the quality and accessibility of online programming education. By providing a user-friendly and interactive platform, the VPL empowers educators and students to engage effectively in online learning, leading to improved learning outcomes and a more inclusive educational experience. Its innovative features and potential for transferability make it a valuable contribution to the field of online and hybrid education in engineering and beyond.