TPM 2 (online)

TPM 2 (online) - 22 November 2021 - moderated by YTU

Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) 2 of the RECOM Project was conducted on November 22, 2021, using the Zoom online meeting platform. The primary objective of this meeting was to discuss and provide feedback on Output 1, Output 2, and Output 3 of the project. The morning session started at 08:30 (CET Time) and began with an opening segment, including a review of the current timeline and a discussion on the current status of the project. The participants also revisited the project aims and focused on the intellectual outputs, which included O1: Guidebook: Online/Hybrid Teaching Practices for Engineering Subjects, O2: Best Practices in Restructuring Computer Programming Course Plans, O3: Web and Mobile Guided Virtual Programming Laboratory (VPL), and O4: Instructional Materials for Online/Hybrid Programming Courses. The meeting allowed for valuable insights and feedback to be shared regarding the progress of each output.

The subsequent segments of the morning session were dedicated to detailed reviews of each output, starting with O1: Guidebook, followed by O2: Best Practices in Course Plans, and finally O3: Web and Mobile Guided Virtual Programming Laboratory. After each review, there were designated coffee breaks to allow for informal interactions and discussions among the participants. The meeting also delved into project management matters, covering consortium communication plans, information sharing and storage, risk mitigation plans during the pandemic, and plans for monthly short-online meetings. Additionally, suggestions for future meetings were discussed, along with reflections on the second TPM. The meeting concluded with a closing session, ensuring that the participants left with a clear understanding of the progress made and the necessary steps to move the RECOM Project forward successfully.