U.Porto Journal of Engineering

Dissemination Activity through U.Porto Journal of Engineering

As part of the RECOM Project, a section of the project's work was compiled and presented as a journal paper in the U.Porto Journal of Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 3 (2023). The paper, titled "Redesigning Computer Programming Courses in Engineering Education Using Innovative Hybrid Learning Modules," focused on the analysis and course design stages of the project.

The paper addressed the emerging fields of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, which have seen increasing demand in recent times. It also highlighted the critical need for improved methods of instructing programming languages, particularly in the context of reduced student motivation during the pandemic, which has affected the education of programmers.

To tackle this challenge, the paper proposed an innovative tailored instructional design for online/hybrid learning environments in programming courses within engineering faculties. The instructional design was developed using the Kemp Instructional Design Model, ensuring a systematic and effective approach. It aimed to bridge the gap between existing course designs in programming and the needs of the "Covid" and "post-Covid" generation students, who have experienced unique challenges during the pandemic.

The U.Porto Journal of Engineering, a peer-reviewed and open access journal, published the paper. The journal covers various areas of engineering, including chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, and materials engineering. It is indexed by reputable databases such as Scopus, DOAJ, Crossref, and OpenAIRE.

The dissemination activity through this journal provided a platform for sharing the innovative approaches and insights developed within the RECOM Project with a broader engineering research community. The case study presented in the paper offered valuable insights for educators and institutions seeking to enhance programming courses and adapt to the changing needs and challenges faced by students in the digital era.

Journal paper link: https://journals.fe.up.pt/index.php/upjeng/article/view/2183-6493_009-003_001898