TPM 4 (face to face)

TPM 4 (Face to face) - 9-10 September 2022 – hosted by UL

Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) 4 of the RECOM Project took place at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, spanning from September 9 to September 10, 2022. The meeting aimed to provide an overview of the project's outputs, facilitate group communication, and develop effective plans for project continuation. The participants engaged in in-depth analyses of various project aspects, including work distribution, overhead allocation, and interagency fees division.

The first day of the meeting commenced with an opening session led by the Project Coordinators, Dr. Huseyin Uvet and Dr. Tuba Ugras from Yildiz Technical University. It included a review and discussion of Intellectual Output 1's final editing, with a focus on the open-access application. Output 3 was also reviewed, involving discussions on the implementation of the LMS system. The afternoon session further delved into the Publication Plan, along with general presentations and discussions on Output 4.1 and 4.2. The participants engaged in round table meetings, addressing the static content of five examples and the scenario of five video tutorials.

On the second day, the morning session started with updates and presentations on Output 4.3 and 4.4, addressing the scenarios of five mobile games and five case studies, respectively. Round table meetings were conducted to discuss the storyboards for these outputs. Output 4.5 was also presented, focusing on the scenario of five e-quizzes, followed by a round table meeting on their storyboards.

In the afternoon session of the second day, the participants discussed budget plans for Output Workload, including the usage of the PMI budget and plans for open-access fees. Additionally, outsourcing activities for Output 4 were addressed. Round table meetings were held to plan LTTA (Long-Term Training Activities) at Tallinn and Palermo. The intensive pedagogic training on (A)Synchronous Online and Hybrid Education, and Gamification Basics, as well as the intensive online/hybrid programming course for engineering students, were the key topics of discussion.

Transnational Project Meeting 4 served as a crucial platform for evaluating the project's progress, updating strategies, and planning for the successful continuation of the RECOM Project in its second half.